
The Lord has risen Isa 60:2c and metamorphosed Eph2:1-11 those He has called before the ages of time Eph 1:4 for such a dark hour Isa 60:2a as this one, so that His Glory may be seen upon us.Isa60:2d
The Furnace Process
Those who have been serving, like Joseph in the house of Potiphar, the Egyptian master, which the Lord has chosen to bless that house in the inner courts and the field and prospering it for your sake;Gen 39:2-4 After a hard season of accusations, confusions and misunderstandings you lost everything and then Potiphar, your Egyptian master, had placed you into prison (a place of unemployment) and not just any prison, but a royal prison–in His Wisdom He positioned you. Your garment of freedom and favor seemed to have been removed for a moment and remained in the hands and the house of your accusers. Gen 39:2-20 Nevertheless, the Lord was with you and showed you mercy and gave you favor in the eyes of the keeper of the royal prison and everything you did prospered within the confined of your circumstances. Gen 39:21-22Although you were bound, you did not allow your circumstances to change your dreams. At the time you didn’t realized that your cocoon of suffering Phil 3:10 was your actual preparation and baptism of death to self, qualifying you to later fly. Here you realized that which was a stumbling block will now be your pedestal. The gift you have had from your mothers womb you practiced, but then when your character was molded through learning obedience by the things you suffered as a son Heb 5:8, you became ready to reign with Jesus in the royal heavenly places in Him. After decades of waiting in the cocoon of preparation– it’s time.
To fly there must be momentum; momentum is accomplished by remaining weightless Heb12:1b and with a pure conscience constantly in His presence. The sin that had easily ensnared you Heb12:1c in the past shall no longer be a weakness, but a place of re-strengtheningIsa41:31a, because when you recognize it you can Rest in His armsIsa41:31ab and let Him fight.1Chro22:9ab You have realized obedience is way better than sacrifice.1Sam15:22c You began enjoying the increase and the fruit of obedience through your suffering seasons. After your first jump of faith to flight, you allowed Holy Spirit and His Wind to carry you in His currents and propelled you to your destiny. You then realized that all you had to do was to straighten your wings allow Him to guide you.
Later, you found yourself in the midst of other eagles, where you realized that this is the place you belonged. “There is so much freedom here!” So you rose higher and higher in flight because of seeing others showing you by example how it was done. You then found yourself learning new things and received the grace of the others simply from being around them and enjoying the Wind with them. You became part of a new model, a company of birds flying in echelon formations, switching from left to right to center, knowing that when one in lead is tired the other will take the lead. You learned as a new generational forerunner birds on how to conserve energy by taking advantage of the up-wash that was created by those who came before you, allowing the flock to fly efficiently together. Honor and Humility in this ministry facilitated the move of God amongst the leader to be united as one. You saw Jesus present when your worked together with others, and made much progress working as one body in harmony.
The coat of many colors your earthly father gave you Gen 37:3 was only a representation of what your Heavenly Father has covered you with in eternity. The Lord God has covered you with a garment of Light as He covers Himself.Psalm 104:2 His favor can now be seen over you as visible authority. You have identified yourself as a son. A son of Light.john 12:36 A son of the Kingdom. Light has become your shield, your guide, and a weapon round about you. You are enjoying being a sent one. Shining His Light and Truth everywhere you go.Psalm 43:3 You now give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadows of death and you lead and guide others feet into the way of peace.Luke 1:79 When you stretch forth your hands to command, you release rays of flashing lights from your hands, and the hidden power of the Lord is released through you.Habakkuk 3:4
Shine bright my sons! I’m Living inside of you! Release my Glory upon the earth;
Now is the time!
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.Isaiah 60:2